Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Rainy Morn Oft Brings A Pleasant Day

“Every day may not be good … but there is something good in every day.”

A wise Italian friend of mine who once worked in Buckingham Palace posted that on his Facebook page. I loved it. It didn't hurt that he wrote it on a piece of paper and taped it to a window in his villa that looks out to what I can only presume to be a vineyard. Nice, huh? Did I mention he makes his own pasta? Okay, I am digressing and am also getting hungry.
Think about that statement he wrote. Think of your crappiest day. I’m sure there is at least one good thing that happened. It could have been a person who wanted to help you out, or someone who opened the door for you. For me, it can be a simple cup of hot cocoa. Well, that’s what it used to be until a locally owned coffee shop near me closed for some reason. It was the dead of winter and I had just come home from a blech morning at work. I parked my car and crunched through the ice and snow a couple blocks to the coffee shop. I looked up and it said, “Closed Indefinitely.” I was devastated because I could always count on my cup of heaven. I’d be having the worst day ever and go get a hot chocolate from this place and all my troubles would melt away.
The bottom line is that every day isn’t perfect, but sometimes if you add up all the good things that happened to you, you will see your bad day wasn’t really all that bad afterall. If you’re still having a craptastic (yes, another one of my words) day here is one thing I do. I do something nice for someone else. I’ll send a “Thinking of You” card to one of my friends or give a little extra change to the homeless person on the corner that always asks for more money after I’ve already given him some.
Oh! I always try to remind myself these 5 things:
  1. I have parents and friends that love me
  2. I have a job and am not standing in an unemployment line
  3. I’m relatively healthy 
  4. I’m not fighting a war, surrounded by chaos
  5. I have a roof over my head
So every day may not be good … but there is something good in every day.” Happy Saturday! 

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