Friday, November 4, 2011


“Take a look at yourself in the mirror. 
Who do you see looking back?
Is it the person you want to be?
Or is there someone else you were meant to be ... the person you should have been, but fell short.
Is someone telling you you can't or you won't?  Because you can.
Believe that love is out there.
Believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do.
Sometimes happiness doesn't come from money, or fame, or power.
Sometimes happiness comes from good friends and family .. and from the quiet nobility of leading a good life.
So take a look at yourself in that mirror and remind yourself to be happy, because you deserve to be.
Believe that.
And believe that dreams come true every day. Because they do.”
    -The Cast of One Tree Hill
I just finished watched the Season 6 finale of One Tree Hill and that is the dailogue that ended the episode. I find it poignant since I see myself in my imagination as a different person then as I am today. I haven’t received  something that I have been waiting for. But, every day I get closer to seeing the person who I want to be. 
The line about reminding yourself to be happy is something I need to do more often. Not that I’m not happy, but because I know I can be happier. I think we should all take a look in the mirror and remind ourselves that, because it’s true. Everyone deserves to be happy. Whether it be with work, your relationships, your family, or even something daring you did or accomplished that surprised you. 
So ... as I look back on the yellow brick road I took at KU and skip to my Oz, I will have to remember to look in the mirror and remind myself to be happy. I need to remember to be happy even with things go wrong, or I fall, or I’m feeling blue. Because I deserve to be happy, and happiness is what I hope for you.

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