Sunday, June 4, 2017

National Cancer Survivors Day

It’s June 4th and it’s National Cancer Survivors Day! It’s meant as a day to celebrate survivors and inspire those recently diagnosed to show them you CAN. You CAN do this! 

So, Happy National Cancer Survivors Day to all you fighters and fellow survivors out there. YOU are some of the strongest people I know. YOU inspire. 

To those warriors cancer took from us. Your fight is never forgotten. YOU are never forgotten. You are here with us every day. To the cheerleaders who threw us into that basket toss so we could fly when we couldn’t… Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We could not have done it without YOU!

The fight isn’t over until we find a cure. To the researchers, scientists and doctors around the globe tirelessly trying to find a cure … You CAN. You WILL. Thank you. There is a CAN in CANcer. 

Now, let’s celebrate! 

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