Friday, October 21, 2016

Keep Going

Hello! It's been a bit, but I'm finding some energy to write. As some of you may know, since April I've joined the thousands upon thousands of warriors battling different kinds of cancer... or just plain health issues. It's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster and I found myself just needing to type last night ... to boost my spirits. Sometimes you gotta be your own cheerleader! I hope this inspires you to keep going on days you just feel dumpy, sad or frustrated. Here's what I wrote .... 

I’m tired. I’m tired of doctors. I’m tired of being tired. I’m tired of not being able to do much of anything… and yet I keep moving one foot in front of each other. I just gotta keep running the race till I cross that finish line. I’m not going to lie. It is super frustrating when the finish line gets pushed back a few more hundred yards. It’s like a not funny joke. You just gotta remember there are people cheering you on along the sidelines. You fall down. You curse. You cry. You get back up and keep an eye that finish line. Why? Because you see the big picture. You are alive! You were given that gift. You WILL get better. Things may be different once you cross that finish line. Your life. Your perspective. Your priorities. But remember… you WILL reach that other side of the finish line. You just gotta keep moving one foot in front of another no matter how big or tiny the step. You don’t need to enjoy it, you just need to tackle it any way you can. The secret=keep going!