Sunday, September 27, 2020

Attitude of Gratitude

You know, cancer is about taking it day by day. Some days are “good” and others are “meh.” I have Cycle 3 of my chemo cocktail tomorrow.

I celebrated the Jewish New Year at my apartment with my parents. We had yummy food… which I couldn’t really taste (insert eye roll). We had some nice family time. I’m grateful for that.

Earlier that week I underwent Gamma Knife “surgery.” I am grateful to be able to have had that option. Many do not.  As I mentioned in my previous post, the doctor at the hospital found a tiny spot of cancer in my brain. I was really nervous about the Gamma Knife. The mask they made me freaked me out. Being “bolted” down to the table freaked me out. Yeah, I just was freaked out. LOL. It wasn’t as bad though! They let me keep my mask and I legit did not hear anything. I had classical music on. A doorbell rang when the procedure was done. However, they did find some suspicious blood vessels they took care of too. I’ll have a scan in three months to see how things looks. 

Speaking of scans… Cycle 3 means I have my first scans coming up since starting treatment! Woo hoo! I’m curious to see how things looks. Are things stable? Did the cancer get worse? I’m hopeful it’s stable and we can continue on with the rest of the cycles. 

I’m grateful for no hospital stay this round. I’m grateful for feeling a bit “normal.” I had energy to cook my parents lunch today! I couldn’t taste it but they said it was yummy. I also did some work from home this cycle! It was extremely fatiguing but great at the same time.

We are all going through a lot during this difficult time in our lives with COVID and the state of the nation. Your trials and tribulations are no less than important than anyone else’s. Remember to keep going. Keep counting your blessings. Keep the hope. It’s a new season. Anything can happen. Sending love and light.

xoxo Jess


1 comment:

  1. A Healthy Happy New Year. In the holiest of days,Yom Kippor our prayers run deep and are heard
    We will be praying for you. So keep strong love ya❤️
