Friday, August 3, 2018

Tip The Balance

Happy Friyay everyone! We made it! It’s been a week of special Sending Smiles blogs. I unplugged from Instagram. I’ve had a few anxiety attacks. I looked in my reflection and not always liked what I saw. Let’s just say that it has been a week. But you know what? I made it. WE made it. The main reason I started the Sending Smiles Tweets, a couple of years ago, was to start a place where people could go when they needed some positivity. 

I’m trying to balance the scales of what, I feel, is an increasingly negative atmosphere on social media. Nobody’s life is perfect. We all have our own struggles and daily challenges. You are not alone in those struggles. That’s what I wanted to remind myself and anyone who clicked on my Twitter handle and link this week. 

So, I end this experience wanting to continue to spread some positivity, hope and happiness out into the world. Let’s tip the balance the other way. I’d love for anyone who is reading this to submit a little nugget of positivity on Twitter and tag me please, so we can share some positivity throughout the Twitterverse. Wishing you an amazing day. It’s Friyay! 

This weeks special posts:

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Just Stop

Good morning! It’s Day 3 of my Digging Deeper/Sending Smiles journey. Today's is going to be short and sweet. New York City is about the buzz. People rushing here and there. Trains roaring through the tunnels that weave through the city’s underground. Taxis threading their way through the streets. It’s hard to slow down. I’ve found it harder the past couple of months to just stop and smell the roses. Like most of you, my days are full. My mornings are jammed with workouts, emails, doctors appointments, errands and then work till 11:30pm.  Even my physical therapist was like “You have got to slow down.” Pumping the breaks is hard and my daily effort to not feel the need to “do do do” and just stop and smell the roses in this busy, but beautiful city, is something we all should try and do more of. It’s ok to just slow down… and stop.